How Much Does It Cost to Hire an Attic Insulation Installation Company?

Are you looking for ways to save money on heating and cooling costs? Learn about different types of attic insulation materials available on the market today as well as their associated costs.

How Much Does It Cost to Hire an Attic Insulation Installation Company?

Are you looking to save money on heating and cooling costs? The Environmental Protection Agency estimates that homeowners can save an average of 15% on heating and cooling costs (or an average of 11% on total energy costs) by adding insulation in attics, floors above tight spaces, and accessible beams on basement edges. This could increase by up to 20% in some climate zones. Our pricing guide can help you find the most affordable options for insulating your attic, including installation by yourself. The size of your attic is a major factor when it comes to the cost of insulation.

A larger attic would require more insulating material, which would take longer and cost more. The differences in the price range will become more evident as you go up and down the ladder of attic sizes and various types of insulation. Other elements that come into play when it comes to the final cost include the type of insulation and labor costs, which can vary from community to community. When it comes to insulation materials, there are two extremes: reflective insulation and structural insulation panels (SIPs). Reflective insulation is usually made of aluminum foil, aluminized polyester, or other materials.

It mainly reflects radiant heat to prevent your house from getting too hot, but it should be combined with another type of insulation in colder climates. To install blow insulation, you would need a blowing machine to introduce the materials into the cavities or attic floor. Robes are usually made of fiberglass, cellulose, and even denim (like jeans). They come in pre-sized panels (“blocks”) and are placed and fastened with a paper or metal coating. The blocks are usually reserved for large attic spaces and are the right size to fit between floor beams and ceilings.

They don't fit very well in tight spaces, but they are relatively easy to install. SIPs have pieces in layers of rigid foam connected to two layers of plywood or oriented fiberboard (OSB). They're a little expensive, but they're noticeably stronger and more energy efficient. They are much larger than the other types and are often better for new construction projects than for existing penthouses. Now that you've reduced your attic insulation costs, you might want to check out these other services. Before or after insulating the attic, you can consider preparing for the old insulation or caring for it.

Many homeowners already have pre-installed insulation in their attics. If you are looking to install new insulation, it will complement the old one or remove it completely. Removing the old attic insulation will have an additional cost. This includes services such as vacuuming sawdust or other materials left over from previous constructions. If you need to get rid of some objects that are in the attic or you need to move large objects before installing the insulation, you will have to pay more.

Before installing new insulation, many professionals air seal attics to detect and resolve any air leaks, block moisture, and prevent drafts. This would also involve removing all existing insulation from your attic. You're probably thinking, “Is there a way to keep costs low other than to cheapen insulation types?” The answer is YES. The DIY route is one way to reduce costs when it comes to insulating your attic.

For example, reflective insulation is definitely the cheapest option but it's more suitable for warmer climates as it reflects radiant heat to keep homes cooler on very hot days (rather than keeping the house warm on cold days). That's why homeowners in colder climates should opt for more expensive types of insulation or supplement their reflective insulation with other types. Because of this, homeowners in colder regions often end up spending more than the national average on attic insulation. Labor costs can also increase or decrease depending on the location of your home.

Each type of insulation has its pros and cons, so there is no clear answer to this question. The best thing is what works for your region's climate, your budget, and the specific needs of your attic (or whatever area of the house you're insulating). Blown, loose-filled, and spray foam are great options when it comes to affordability as they work very well in all seasons and are easily adapted to almost any space. But in addition to the aforementioned training and certifications that professionals need to install it, only a few types of DIY spray foam kits are available on the market for non-professionals.

Safety precautions and protective equipment are needed to keep the skin and lungs safe when working with polyurethane spray foam insulation. It can take anywhere from five hours to two days, depending on the type of insulation you plan to use. Some allow one day just to prepare the attic before the actual insulation is installed. Yes, but insufficient insulation is a more common problem.

Excessive insulation could result in inadequate ventilation, poor air circulation, etc. You could trap heat or build up mold in the process. Insulating your attic can go a long way towards improving comfort...